Mário Figueiredo – Telecommunications Institute, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon


The course is organised by CLAD (Portuguese Association for Data Classification and Analysis) and offers an introduction to Deep Learning. Deep Learning is a class of methods (from the broader area of Machine Learning) that, in the last decade, has had a huge impact on many applications, from image analysis to natural language processing. The aim of this course is to provide a general knowledge of modern deep learning techniques and how they have evolved. Another aim is to give participants the ability to access modern literature in this area, thus enabling them to update their knowledge in this rapidly evolving field.

People with prior knowledge of Statistics and/or Machine Learning, but no prior knowledge of Deep Learning.

Duration and Schedule
The course will have a duration of 6 hours and 30 minutes, from 10:00 to 18:30. The detailed programme is attached: Minicurso CLAD – Introduction to Deep Learning.

The course will operate remotely, through the Zoom platform (the link will be sent later) with a minimum and maximum number of participants of 10 and 60, respectively.

Investment and Registration Deadline
The course is free for CLAD members with the 2024 membership fee paid; the investment for non-CLAD members is 60€. CLAD will issue a certificate of participation. The deadline for registration is 8 March 2024.

Registration and Contac
If you are interested in attending this course, you should fill in the registration form aqui. For any other clarifications, please write to mail@clad.pt.