JOCLAD 2019 – What really happened…
The XXVI Conference on Classification and Data Analysis – JOCLAD 2019 took place, between 11 and 13 April, in the city of Viseu on the Campus of Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu of Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
JOCLAD 2019 was a joint organization between ESTGV and CLAD:
President: José Dias (President of CLAD)
Secretary: Ana Cristina Matos (ESTGV)
Local Organizing Committee:
- Ana Cristina Matos (ESTGV)
- André Codeço Marques (ESTGV)
- Carla Manuela Henriques (ESTGV)
- Conceição Rocha (CPES – INESC TEC )
- Nuno Bastos (ESTGV)
President of the Scientific Committee: Conceição Amado (IST-Universidade de Lisboa)
The three days of work provided excellent opportunities for dialogue between the 76 participants, in a pleasant, almost familiar atmosphere.
On the first day, there were two Minicourses: “Longitudinal data analysis” by M. Salomé Cabral, from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and “Compositional data analysis: concepts, software and examples” by Peter Filzmoser from the Vienna University of Technology (Austria) .
During the three days there were 41 oral communications (plenary, thematic and free) and 16 communications on poster. All sessions showed the great variety and dynamism of current research.
The social program was filled with a Dão of honor at Solar do Vinho do Dão, a guided tour of the historic center of the city and the pleasant and friendly congress dinner, in this very special year where we had the opportunity to sing congratulations to CLAD for your 25 years.
At the end of the third day, the closing session took place, full of emotions, where we learned that for the year we are heading south, to the Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon, where they will welcome us with open arms for a few more days that, once again, will be memorable.
It was without a doubt three days scientifically very enriching and socially very pleasant!!!! Come back often…and see you at JOCLAD XXVII!….
The Local Organizing Committee of JOCLAD 2019
Some more pictures here.