This year, CLAD’s Conference on Classification and Data Analysis took place in a reduced format, taking into account the 17th IFCS Conference, IFCS 2022 – Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age.

The (mini)-JOCLAD 2022 took place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto on the afternoon of 18 July, preceding the IFCS 2022.


The invited speaker was Prof. Berthold Lausen, from the University of Essex, who gave a lecture on Bootstrap Evaluation of Unsupervised Statistical Learning and Applications. The program included, as usual, sessions organized by Banco de Portugal and by Instituto Nacional de Estatística, which presented us recent and very interesting works developed in their institutions. JOCLAD 2022 was also the opportunity to honour the new CLAD Emeritus Members, Prof. Helena Bacelar-Nicolau and Prof. Paulo Gomes.

Participation was free, subject to prior registration.


PROGRAM – Room 118

14:00-14:15 Opening



Invited Lecture:

Bootstrap evaluation of unsupervised statistical learning and applications

Berthold Lausen (Univ. Essex, UK)




Session to Honour New CLAD Emeritus Members




Coffee break







Banco de Portugal Session

Complex Made Simple: Visualizing the Business Groups’ Database Using Tom Sawyer
Diogo Silva, Tiago Pinho Pereira

Live Data – a Game Changer for Official Statistics
Elena Bucea, Carlos Figueira

Give Us Data… and We Give You Back a Wordless Story
Carolina Rocha, Mariana Oliveira







INE Session

Classification of CPP  –  Application of a Multilayer Neural Network
Almiro Moreira, Ana Carmona, M. Conceição Ferreira, David Santos, Rui Alves

Estimates on Completed Buildings for the Indicators System of Urban Operations – Exploring with ML Methodologies
André Sousa António Portugal, Inês Sá, Pedro Cunha, Sara Cerdeira



